Welcome to the Shire of Rising Stone!

Welcome to the Shire of Rising Stone!

Do you love gaming? Or are you a current or former theater geek? Maybe you’re a huge science fiction or fantasy fan. Or a history nerd, or someone who just never outgrew playing dress up. If so, our medieval re-enactment group might be something you would enjoy.

The Shire of Rising Stone in Murfreesboro, TN, is a part of the Society for Creative Anachronism, Inc. (SCA), a not-for-profit educational organization which studies the Middle Ages by recreating the pastimes and crafts of the period. Our activities include tournaments, festivals, classes, feasts, and all manner of arts and sciences you would find in the culture of pre-1600s western Europe.

Join us for Menhir: Voyage of Discovery January 18, 2025

The SCA in Middle Tennessee

Rising Stone is part of the Kingdom of Meridies which has branches in Tennessee, Georgia, Upper Florida, Alabama, and part of Kentucky. We are just one of several local SCA branches in the Middle Tennessee area. Feel free to visit the groups closest to you as each group has its own unique character.