The SCA has a number of ways to make connections through group events. Most commons are local meetings, classes and fighter practices.
Local Meetings
The Murfreesboro Group, the Shire of Rising Stone, has a business meet at 7 p.m. the second Tuesday of every month. All are welcome. Meeting reminders and locations are posted on our Facebook discussion group.
OUR NEXT EVENT: Menhir 2025: Voyage of Discovery
Fighting Events
Tournaments and Wars are fighter-oriented events. Tournaments feature one-to-one combat while wars (and melees) feature group v. group combat.
Artisan Events
Faires and Collegiums are artisan-oriented events. Faires are competitions and displays while collegiums are days of classes.
Of course, events may combine any number of meetings, combat activities, and artisan activities. You can check out the Kingdom calendar for information on events.